I've had quite a few discussions lately with clients about frames. The final presentation is so important - you can say to the world that you are proud of your work, that it has value or you can throw on a cheap frame to get the painting out the door. When putting together a show of a dozen pieces, it's a tough pill to swallow to fork out a few grand for a nice frame. Haven't we all been through this pain before! Consider it an investment in your business, not unlike good tires on a vehicle. Yes, you can buy retread or used, but if you want the best investment with sustainability - get the best that you can reasonably afford! Look for a frame that does not compete with the painting, lines or pattern that bring out the subtleties in a piece. I use a handmade, hand leafed finished corner frame from
Rocky Mountain Frames out of Kaysville UT.

We chose to float the piece to give it more weight and pull the painting away from the edge just a bit. It is a metal leaf, rubbed to look like Karat Gold. We also went with a thinner moulder with clean lines to make it a transitional frame - one that would work in a contemporary or traditional setting! I think Tony does a marvelous job and he will design any style to fit an artists look and needs. Check him out when you get a few extra minutes
Rocky Mountain Frames.
Exquisite painting with just the right frame!